Fedora vs. Homburg Hat: What’s the Difference?

Chances are, even if you don’t consider yourself a mad hatter, you’ve heard of a fedora and have at least a general idea of what it looks like. Also, the odds are high that you’ve never heard of a homburg hat nor would you be able to recognize one in a lineup. 

Even though these two men’s hat styles share a multitude of similarities, they have taken distinctly different paths to popularity.  

Despite this, no style is necessarily superior to another. If you’re looking for a guide that will educate you on the differences between the homburg hat and the fedora hat, read on.

What’s the Difference Between Fedora Hats and Homburg Hats?

Essentially, the main difference between the two hats is their crown design. While homburg hats have a single dent — the gutter crown — running down the middle of the crown, fedora hats have an indented crown that appears pinched on both sides and a creased crown, visible around the front. The following examples show the two types of hats:


Wool homburg hat


Straw fedora hat

Fedora vs. Homburg: History

In terms of history, homburg hats became popular when Edward VII wore this hat for the first time in 1882, and several celebrities also wore it in the 20th century. 

A fedora hat, on the other hand, became famous after American actress Sarah Bernhardt wore it in the play fedora, which gave the hat its name. 

In addition, a fedora is regarded as less formal than a homburg. The fedora is usually worn on casual or more informal occasions as opposed to the homburg, which is normally worn for formal occasions, such as at work or during ceremonies.

Moreover, fedoras come in various variations nowadays, such as rollable and curable ones, unlike homburg hats that do not come with any variations. 

Is One Better Than the Other?

Although homburg hats and fedoras appear similar at first glance, there are definite differences between these two types of hats, such as crown shape, brim shape, and brim taper.

There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to choosing between a homburg or a fedora. Hats are a personal preference that simply depends on how they look on you, how they feel, and the occasion they are worn. 

For instance, if you’re looking for an accessory to impress your date at a black-tie affair, a fur felt homburg would work as a perfect choice, while a straw fedora would suit a casual event perfectly.

Don’t be afraid to switch up your look with a fashionable hat — it’s both a fun experiment and an exciting experience!

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